Initial Phone Call

Determine if they already have an Architect or Drawings

(if not, offer a design contract)

If they already have drawings, get them emailed to you and set up the project in estimating. Follow the steps below for your initial phone call with our new potential client:

receive the lead & review details

  • Receive the lead (make sure it’s assigned to you as the salesperson)

  • Review all the details

    • Point of Contact Name (what is their position in their company)?

    • Their Company Name

    • Cell Phone Number (or office)

    • Email

    • Project Location

    • Project Type

    • Project Details

  • Get a jump start on filling out the project details form below (to be verified with client once on the phone)

phone call introduction

Set up this call with the client beforehand, either by email, text message, or Calendly


  • “We use a super easy to use project management app called Buildertrend where you can see all the project details right on the mobile app or the website”

  • “We provide daily reports with photos, videos, an online project schedule, documents, submittals, etc. It really streamlines the whole construction process”

  • “Your project manager will be your main point of contact, but I will always be available at any time before, during, or after the project to resolve issues and concerns and keep the project moving”

pre-qualify the client

  • “Are you comfortable if I talk some rough ballpark budget pricing right now”?

  • “This is just a shoot from the hip number, but I like to do this just to make sure we’re on the same page as far as pricing before we really dive into all the project details and present a super detailed and professional proposal”

  • Use average square footage costs from past projects

  • Start with a slightly higher dollar amount to gage their reaction

  • Give a ballpark and explain that it could vary 20% either direction depending on further detail

  • “Do these numbers sound somewhat reasonable to you”?

  • “Would you still like to move forward with a meeting”?