•  Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves

  • Pay it forward, you owe it to others as others did for you.

  • Never stop being coached or learning

  • Constant self-improvement

  • Great people want to work for great businesses

  • Great people want to get behind leaders with clarity on big goals and ambitions.

  • Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise-Arnold

  • Always have Clear goals/vision/dream and how to accomplish it.-Arnold S.

  • Don’t shy away of big goals, they are big goals because they can be scary but everyone fails, losers stay down but I will get up. -Arnold S.

  • Ignore the nay-sayers

  • Embrace the negativities and transform it into comedy if possible or stay humble and acknowledge peoples concerns

  • No promotion is bad promotion

  • Willing, wants to learn, and ambitious